21 Nov 2009

Total Recall...

It was the last Birthday celebrated in School, atleast for my memories. In fact, i'm bad at remembering people's birthdays... but not everyone's though. I do remember some. Of course, it was a different story then. There were so many others who would remember more birthdays than i can ever in my life. Well, it certainly was something special for me. For all good things in life, there are somethings that will always be remembered. On this occasion, it was the aura all around. The air was a tangy Orange, and so were the birthday chocolates...
It was the last month i would go to work by bus regularly. 'cos I had already purchased a bike with my first 3 earnings. I acutally got down at the wrong stop... of course, with a totally different purpose. It was a moonlit night at the bus-stop., and the least expected things happen in such circumstances. (No it was still around 8PM, and lots of people in the bus-stop too... so, don't let your imaginations run wild :P ) For once, a needle shimmered a silvery white on my own birthday. and I dared to miss my bus just to enjoy the moment, knowing it will be a loooong while before i get my next one...
Yes! Those prying eyes caught sight of the Needle in a haystack yet again. After 9 years, 8 months, and a few (i don't tell how many..) days, the colors in the air were precisely the same.. a tangy orange, and a shimmering white, blending into one another. Might even make people wonder if they were the same colors, but for eyes that can catch the needle it can also tell a lot more of it... :)
Another day that will be in the list of "Eternally Remembered"...
And btw, Anon's already caught me... something may soon be expected... depending on Anon's mood though...
Atleast, mine's a goddamn good one today... :D

1 Nov 2009

secret no more...

Long ago, I'd heard this quote "Secrets are things which someone tells everyone not to tell anyone". but i don't believe it. Anon has opinions on this too...
I've always been very fond of keeping secrets.
both mine, as well as others'. Some of them have been hidden for as long as a decade. There was one such that i thought can always be confided as long as it is in something personal, say my wardrobe or cell phone... or anything else like it. But sometimes, unexpected events reveal such secrets to the most unexpected of people. One such event happened yesterday, when it fell into someone's hands. the secret had once already revealed itself to him through one friend who betrayed. But that was a long time ago... past and gone and forgotten... not for me though. And now happens this event, which refreshes such memories. The one who knew it because of this betrayal... and possibly had even forgotten it all... now knows it as though i've confessed it to him!!! oh my! Both of us know each other as much and have faith in us that it will be a secret between us.
But still... today... there is a fear... somewhere deep inside...
can secrets never stay secrets only to those who know them? Just hope that it does not end up like the Secret quote.