26 Feb 2009


Did you start reading it only because you thought I'm writing something that happened before something happened, and then, about something that happened after that something happened?
If that's the case, then "April fool" in advance... :P
This is just a preparatory for a post i wanted to post, but would not... for there are some things, that better be unsaid... however, if it makes you any curious about what it all is about., I sure can post that post I wanted to post of the "something" that happened. Oh, n yes, something did happen... and whatever happened, I don't regret., for whatever happened is past and gone, though the post happening of whatever happened, does seem to be "not ok" to those who were there when the happening happened...
Forget it... now, that's the way I am... and I'd'nt change just 'cos someone's not ok wid whatever happened thoh!!!

21 Feb 2009


Hi Readers,
I'm back after a fairly long break...
Yesterday, was a memoriable day at my workplace. With some freizeit left jeden Tag in my Büro, I even started off with some Higher level German. Co-incidentally, a Languages Day was being organized by the Organization, for people to showcase what their abilities in various Sprachen are... Our batch of Studenten, with a few others, and our Tutor, decided to do something for a good performance, and he came up with a suggestion. We were to play "König Drosselbart" one of those "Märchen" from the Grimm Brothers. The story of a haughty (not to be read hottie :P) princess, who due to her arrogance and pride, was married off to a musician off the streets, and had to live the life of a poor woman. Having not been able to do anything properly at home., her husband gets her to work in a royal Küche (cuisine i.e.). But then, she lately realizes, that she's at the palace of one of the kings, whom she had insulted earlier... and how did she face the past?? read it here.
Now, about what I had in it... Well, actually, nothing on stage. Everything that I did was off the stage. (Actually, I was the Erzähler of the story, and this was a result of people vesting their confidence in me being able to narrate the whole thing off stage...) However, thanks to my tutor, and the confidence he had in us, our Stück(Drama) was the show-stealer... Our perseverance to emerge with perfection had taken out a lot of effort from all of us. But it all paid off in the end. For me, it was after 8 long years, that I got in touch with the "Performing Arts"... and enjoyed every bit and piece of our success...
Here's a "Prost für alle Teilnehmer" for pulling off the most successful event of the day :)