12 Dec 2011

The story of two...

it was a story from once upon a time... (as narrated to me...)
In a green, romantic place, stood he near a cliff. She was beautifully robed in pristine white, and casually, walked towards him. He hadn't noticed her coming, but as she approached, his heartbeat rose in tempo. She was standing so close that he felt her in his breath. And then, she took his face in her hands, kissed the loveliest one any girl in romance would, said that this was the last that they would see of each other, and walked away into the dark...

thereafter... until the other day. This time, he was riding a bicycle along a crossroad of little significance. His princess who was sitting in the front, as soon as they approached the crossroad, got down to go home. They continued a few meters further when the soft touch of wet lips touched his cheek... the left cheek, to be precise... wondering if that was a caring one, a loving one or a romantic one, he woke up...

And now, I'm wondering how this story should be taken forward...

19 Nov 2011

the three musketeers...

For years, my passion had been buried deep inside. Every morning, the only thing I wondered was how long further into the future... And then came that fine day, when the dream-chase actually began. Here I am, in a little coastal town, in an institution (one I'd always wanted to be a student of, in my childhood days...) that has all that I need to end that dream-chase and to start living it. But then, things don't stop at what's in stock at the academics alone. I come across a plethora of people, each with their own distinct attitude to life. Then, a story seems to repeat itself...
When in the time of King Louis XIII, one young fellow met three wonderful people. When Monsieur d'Artagnan reached Paris in chasing his dream, he met with three friends Arthos, Porthos, and Aramis, and became a part of their friendship. They became so close to each other, that they became inseparable in all their adventures. But as time would have it, one big one that none would ever want to forget; and they were all separated for a long long time.
I'm here, like d'Artagnan, in search of my dream. And I know I will be away from these three fellows I have met here after a short while, after all these wonderful experiences we're having together. But I'm so indulged in their friendship, that I've revealed (or so I think...) myself to them more than even to my own family. There are hardly a handful of people outside of my own blood that I've ever taken to be important; and now these musketeers, as I'd like to call them, have in no time managed to get into that 'elite list' of my heart... All that I perceive is left, is to cherish these times. Thanks Tübs, Praphool and Buzz, for whatever you are for me in 'this world', as long as you don't promise to be with me in the next one and the next... and the next... and... and... and...

6 Oct 2011

To the God of iThings

"A for apple" was the first proper English that I learnt. Since then, the apple has in its many manifestations, taught me so much. But none has been as inspiring as the "White Apple" that first caught my eye in the early days of my "Job". A freebie at first, my first (and so far, only slice of the Apple) iPod packing that had the little "White apple bitten on one side" looked classy... and when I opened the box almost 2 years later, that's when the Apple really inspired me to know more about itself... and so began a journey of knowing these products, and the iBrain (iBrain as in an "Intelligent Brain") behind them... and you, all of a sudden you're iconic...

Dear Steve,
I've always admired you for your adamance and perfection... qualities I associate myself with. That's one reason you've become the blessed one. Every time I saw you come out with that turtle-neck Tee-Shirt for a new product release, (and I saw most of your PRs only in the last couple of couple of years...) I'd be transfixed at the spark in those eyes that have inspired me and a million alike. The way you sought perfection in all that was a "The Apple", the way you got the best out of people's ideas, the way you've imagined the future, the way you change perception of everything... there are a million reasons why you're so inspirational. 

There was a time when the iPhone was first released, and there were a lot of people and emails that called the iPhone iStone... every time I saw one such, my heart would ache, not because I deemed the iPhone perfect, but I could realize what it takes to come up with something like that... because by then, I'd already tasted the flavors of the iMac and the iPod, and knew how perfect it was with whatever it was... (and of course, you and your people have only made it better by the day...). I owe you for the wonderful team that you built for some of the finest animation movies I've seen in Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E and Up. They've often lightened up my days and gotten me out of my blues. Walt Disney Studios alone wouldn't have done it, or maybe they would have. But it's your brainchild, Pixar that has really made it happen for now. For they bring back my childhood; or rather bring out the child in me., that's one more reason why I admire Steve Jobs...

While you ensured anyone who owns an iMac makes a style statement, and puts himself into a different calibre, you also managed to capture the cheaper market with the iPods... why, you even managed to have an iPhone at the intermediate budget class. I will never be able to understand the Management Guru that was running in your brains, or your office... but all I know is that you had your own niche in every class of the economy... and my hats off to that. I may not buy all or even a few of Apple's products, but then, I don't need to. 'cos I don't love the Apple brand, I respect it. Now that you're off to the iHeaven Steve, I don't know if the iBrands will continue their wonderful run like they've been doing so far, or better or worse. But for all that I know, ever since I got to understand gadgets and technology, the Apple has inspired me in so many ways, and the God of iThings will continue to live in my heart.

May your soul not simply rest in peace, but continue to inspire a million more to make this world a better place to live in.
And do write back and let us earthlings know how your iHeaven looks like :)

22 Apr 2011

The pale blue dot

On it, everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of...... every human being who was, lived out their lives. The every bit of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every King and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, every hopeful child. inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species... lived there. On a mode of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
To us, it underscores our responsibility to preserve and cherish the "Pale Blue Dot".
-Carl Sagan.