it was a story from once upon a time... (as narrated to me...)
In a green, romantic place, stood he near a cliff. She was beautifully robed in pristine white, and casually, walked towards him. He hadn't noticed her coming, but as she approached, his heartbeat rose in tempo. She was standing so close that he felt her in his breath. And then, she took his face in her hands, kissed the loveliest one any girl in romance would, said that this was the last that they would see of each other, and walked away into the dark...
thereafter... until the other day. This time, he was riding a bicycle along a crossroad of little significance. His princess who was sitting in the front, as soon as they approached the crossroad, got down to go home. They continued a few meters further when the soft touch of wet lips touched his cheek... the left cheek, to be precise... wondering if that was a caring one, a loving one or a romantic one, he woke up...
And now, I'm wondering how this story should be taken forward...