2 Jul 2009

Three years and a spect...

It's 3 years since i've taken my first appointments in a few hours from now... and like anything else, it's been ups-downs-ups all through... after all the while, here's what Anon had to say of it.
It seems like it were only yesterday,

that an opportunity came along his way.
He's one with a quest to know, never to saturate.

Just days after he'd been called a Graduate,

someone had offered him a job so big.
However, today it all seems to be a jig.
Even after three years of retrospect,
he wonders at his own prospect.

Responsibility for him's been a sacred task,
and he's taken them all behind a happy mask.
For having done his duties, he still feels proud,
but keeps searching for the silver lining in his cloud.
He'll be himself after living through a drought,
the day his passions will overcome his thought.

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